George Santos’ ex-boyfriend speaks out

George Santos’ ex-boyfriend speaks out

More people from Congressman George Santos’ past are coming forward with stories about their experiences with him, including Pedro Vilarva, who claims to be Santos’ ex-boyfriend.

NEW YORK – Shocked and surprised are just two of the emotions Congressman George Santos’ ex-boyfriend Pedro Vilarva used to describe how he’s feeling.

"He never showed that he was the psychopathic liar that he’s showing to be right now," Vilarva said.

Pedro spoke to us about the man he says met as Anthony Devolder in 2014. Pedro was 18 and Santos was 26.

"He was so sweet, and he was very caring," he said.

But Pedro has since realized he looked past red flags, telling us he didn’t learn until months into their relationship that Santos was still married to the woman seen in this photo who Pedro at the time was sharing an apartment with. According to records, Santos didn’t get divorced until 2019.

"He said a lie, he gets caught on the lie, and then he says another lie to cover up that lie," Vilarva said.

Here’s Santos is with Pedro’s family for a Christmas celebration. This is when Pedro says Santos gifted him with tickets to Hawaii that he later learned did not exist.

"I actually called Delta myself, and they told me there was never a single payment made," he said.

Pedro also says Santos stole his cellphone and sold it for cash but the story that he finds most difficult to believe is that Santos’ mom was in the South Tower during the 9/11 attacks when documents state she was in Brazil.

"If you knew I was born on 9/11 they would’ve referenced that," he said.

But for his part, Santos who still hasn’t answered questions surrounding his campaign finances – told the reporters Monday he’s doing his job.

"I’ve been speaking to constituents largely, and I’ve been fielding calls and answers this whole time," said Rep. Santos

This while local constituents and officials alike insist his district deserves better.

"There’s a whole bunch of investigations, and there’s some serious charges against him," said Sen. Charles Schumer. "Long Island deserves a lot better."

Despite continued calls on the congressman to resign, Pedro says there’s no way he would.

"His ego is too big to resign," he said.