What does Westminster think of Liz Truss’s victory?

Liz Truss has won the contest to become the next Conservative Party leader and prime minister of the UK.

Liz Truss has won the contest to become the next Conservative Party leader and prime minister of the UK.

But how has her victory gone down among the movers and shakers of Westminster?

Rishi Sunak

First, let’s look at the response of her rival – the former chancellor who secured just shy of 43% of the votes in the Tory leadership contest.

Rishi Sunak took to Twitter soon after the announcement and thanked all those who had given him their backing.

But he also made an appeal to his supporters.

“I’ve said throughout that the Conservatives are one family,” he wrote.

More on Liz Truss

“It’s right we now unite behind the new PM, Liz Truss, as she steers the country through difficult times.”

Boris Johnson

The outgoing prime minister has paused on his final day in office to offer his congratulations to his successor.

On Twitter, Boris Johnson called it a “decisive win”, adding: “I know she has the right plan to tackle the cost of living crisis, unite our party and continue the great work of uniting and levelling up our country.

“Now is the time for all Conservatives to get behind her 100 per cent.”

Sir Keir Starmer

The leader of the Labour Party did congratulate Ms Truss for her win on Twitter, but had stronger words about her when talking to reporters – especially when it came to the country’s leading concern.

Sir Keir Starmer said the public had heard more from her on cutting corporation tax than the cost of living crisis – “the single most important thing that’s bearing down on so many millions of households” – and he said it showed “not only that she’s out of touch, but she’s not on the side of working people”.

He listed the issues she needed to deal with – “the cost of living”, “the NHS is on its knees”, “the collapse of law and order” – and say how she is going to pay for it.

“She needs to show that she actually understands and can meet the challenges that are there after 12 years of failure of this Tory government,” he added.

Nicola Sturgeon

The first minister of Scotland also offered a cautious well done to Ms Truss.

Nicola Sturgeon said: “Our political differences are deep, but I will seek to build a good working relationship with her as I did with [the] last three PMs.”

She then made her own demands on the incoming leader.

“She must now freeze energy bills for people and businesses, deliver more cash support, and increase funding for public services,” said Ms Sturgeon.

Sir Ed Davey

The leader of the Liberal Democrats was not so kind after Ms Truss’s win.

Sir Ed Davey tweeted: “Under Liz Truss, we’re set to see more of the same crisis and chaos as under Boris Johnson.

“From the cost of living emergency to the NHS crisis, the Conservatives have shown they don’t care, and have no plan.”

He added: “It’s time to scrap the energy price hike then call a general election.”

Theresa May

If anyone knows what Ms Truss is facing, its her colleague and predecessor Theresa May.

The former PM was one of the first to offer her congratulations, before making a broader appeal to her party.

“We Conservatives must now work together to address the challenges facing our country – tackling the cost of living, delivering for those in need and managing the public finances responsibly.

“I look forward to supporting the government in that task.”

David Cameron

Another former prime minister came out with his own memories of leading the Tories in Number 10.

David Cameron said at a time of “challenge [and] global uncertainty, I wish the new government well”.

He added: “I never forget the support I had from all former Conservative leaders when I won the ballot in 2005 [and] I hope all Conservatives will unite behind the new PM.”