
Amazon Earnings Call: Best Quarter Since 2021, But Cloud Division Underwhelms

More From ForbesOct 27, 2023,07:45am EDTAccredited Investors: Who’s In, Who’s Not","scope":{"topStory":{"index":1,"title":"Accredited Investors: Who’s In, Who’s Not","image":"","isHappeningNowArticle":false,"date":{"monthDayYear":"Oct 27, 2023","hourMinute":"07:45","amPm":"am","isEDT":true,"unformattedDate":1698407100000},"uri":""}},"id":"70953g90cmmk00"},{"textContent":"Oct 27, 2023,07:30am...

Shuffling the deck

Praneeth Namburi, PhD ’16  From neuroscience to biophysics of movement Twelve years ago, Praneeth Namburi made a detour in what...

Tuning in

In the first episode, released last spring, I interviewed Desirée Plata, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering. We talked...