Addressing climate change impacts
This research examines how US businesses view their climate change risk and the steps they are taking to adapt to...
This research examines how US businesses view their climate change risk and the steps they are taking to adapt to...
Sales of new electric vehicles in Germany have plummeted, dropping nearly 37% in July 2024 from the same month one...
The end of the subsidy program isn’t the only factor contributing to Germany’s EV slowdown, but the abrupt axing certainly...
What’s new: It’s tricky to get robots to do things in environments they’ve never seen before. Typically, researchers need to...
These models were deployed on Stretch, a robot consisting of a wheeled unit, a tall pole, and a retractable arm...
I was reminded of that fact when my littlest woke me for an early-morning cuddle, sneezed into my face, and...
Bird flu has been spreading in dairy cows in the US—and the scale is likely to be far worse than...
Anything from stray fireworks to lightning strikes can start a wildfire. While it’s natural for many ecosystems to see some...
And while many ducks and geese seem to be able to survive being infected with the virus, other bird species...
Those fears seem to have been unwarranted, says Sam Stockwell, the researcher at the Alan Turing Institute who conducted the...
More than 120 bills related to regulating artificial intelligence are currently floating around the US Congress. This flood of bills...
The lack of a focus on equity and minority issues came into view during the Senate markup session at the...
These fifth-generation Spectacles can display visual information and applications directly on their see-through lenses, making objects appear as if they...
Last week OpenAI released a new model called o1 (previously referred to under the code name “Strawberry” and, before that,...
I thought OpenAI’s GPT-4o, its leading model at the time, would be perfectly suited to help. I asked it to...
Agencies around the world should be able to receive hourly wildfire updates once about half of the constellation is operational,...
—Kevin Frazier is an assistant professor at St. Thomas University College of Law and senior research fellow in the Constitutional...
How to sound the alarm In theory, external whistleblower protections could play a valuable role in the detection of AI...
1 OpenAI has released an AI model with ‘reasoning’ capabilitiesIt claims it’s a step toward its broader goal of human-like...
Suddenly everyone seemed to be rushing around, slipping past each other and trying to move quickly while avoiding collisions. “It’s...