The Bizarre And Occult World Economic Forum Welcomes A Witch

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is in full swing as liberal elites from all over the world travel to the wealthy and difficult-to-access Swiss mountain town of Davos to hobnob, enrich themselves, and conspire to control all of our lives. If that doesnt sound cartoonishly villainous enough, the wealthy elites decided to kick things up a notch this year by inviting an actual witch to cast magic spells on the panelists.

Screenshot: World Economic Forum

Screenshot: World Economic Forum

The person in the headdress (who Elon Musk says looks like Elizabeth Warren) was saying some sort of prayer obviously not a Christian prayer. One can only imagine which supposed deity she was invoking. In the midst of this prayer, she breathed on her hands, which certainly does not seem very cautious with regard to COVID. Then she continued on in her performance by coughing all over the panelists faces. These are the same people who led the charge of enforcing face masks, of telling us never to cough, and of implying it best just not to breathe. But there she stood, on stage, coughing directly on the panelists with a mixture of her presumably bacteria-ridden breath.

Screenshot: World Economic Forum

Screenshot: World Economic Forum

On the spiritual level, who knows what kind of spirits she was invoking. She styles herself as an indigenous shaman, which is just the PC term for witch. But this is nothing new. For all of human history, prideful elites have been inclined toward the ridiculous occult worship of false gods. The indigenous tribes all did it, the Canaanites did it, and even the Israelites did it when Moses left them to their own devices for five minutes in the desert. The counterparts to shamans and witches are priests and prophets. Both groups dress in funny clothing and perform rituals, but the difference is that while shamans cavort with demons, prophets proclaim the truth and, therefore, appear to predict the future. But, as a wise priest once observed, they only predict the future in the derivative sense of warning of the consequences of denying the truth.

We know the liberal elites of WEF have spread plenty of lies. Now theyre dancing around with actual witches. It doesnt take an Old Testament prophet to know that the consequences are unlikely to be good. WATCH: The Michael Knowles Show

There is some good news coming out of WEF, an insufferable group of big lib elites, crony corporate leaders, and, apparently, witches. They all conspire in this really ritzy mountain town to control the entire world and to subvert self-government, which is why it was so refreshing when the newly elected leader of Argentina, Javier Milei, showed up. His appearance worried a lot of people. They said, Oh, hes a populist libertarian, and now he is going to become a WEF guy. But Milei didnt stick to the usual Davos script.

Screenshot: World Economic Forum

Instead, Milei warned them that the Western world is in danger, saying, It is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty. He continued, saying that the main leaders in the West have abandoned freedom for collectivism. Then, he explained that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause.

Now, I do not agree with Milei on everything. He is a libertarian, so he was speaking about material goods, how to alleviate poverty, how to enrich people, and freedom in a liberal, lowercase l sense, which he contrasts with collectivism. As I have said many times, I think radical individualism and radical collectivism are two sides of the same coin and both opposed to the common good, tradition, and conservatism. So I cant give three cheers to Javier Milei, but I can give two because these people need to hear this.

The World Economic Forum people want to peddle socialism, they look to China as the model, some of them are outright communists, and now, theyre dancing around with witches. They are opposed to freedom, both the defective libertarian view of freedom and the true classical view of freedom. Theyre opposed to both. So, it is amazing to see a world leader attend and give them a piece of his mind and at least point out all that they are getting wrong, even if Milei doesnt have the exact right answer to combat it. This was great to see in an otherwise alternately bizarre and downright occult kind of World Economic Forum. CLICK HERE TO GET THE DAILY WIRE APP