More Americans preparing for doomsday the difference between new type of preppers and the advanced movement, is literally the difference between life and death

Apparently both the left and the right are preparing for “doomsday,” whether that is societal collapse,civil war, and EMP,Armageddon, or just any event that would require self-reliance rather than dependence on government entities.

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from

The difference between those that have been known as “preppers” for years, and those that started recently, as well as ‘liberal’ preppers and more libertarian-type preppers, is nothing less than the difference between life and death.

For example:Those that have been part of the prepping movement for years, likely have enough stores to last them a year or a few years, while the “newer” members of the movement suggest 90 days, enough to lastuntil the government shows up to save them.

The more experienced in the movement understand that the government may never come to help, as most will be cowering in their underground bunkers, known as DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases), created for the federal government leaders, and military leaders and the families of both, especially if the catastrophe is civil war or societal collapse.

Interestingly it is the younger generations that are now discovering the “prepper” movement, and much of their reasoning surrounds the2024 presidential election.

Doomsday prepping is seeping into the mainstream as Americans of all ages and political persuasions are becoming increasingly worried ahead of the 2024 presidential election about the prospect of a civil war.

The reasons for prepping seem to be difference as well, with the left scared of a Trump second term, thinking he will “declare himself dictator of the United States and people on the left are going to end up as targets in some sort of authoritarian system,” which is ironic on a number of levels.

The Biden regime targeting conservatives as potential domestic terrorists, while using lawfare to attack Trump, the person leading in all the polls to become the Republican nominee for president.

See the two links below:

Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears

The Democrats Are Using Lawfare Against Trump Because They Can’t Beat Him Fairly

As for the right, according to quotescited by USA Today, “On the right, it’s general malaise and a fear of society unraveling. They point to these smash-and-grab robberies, riots and protests.”

Now between the two, we have the fears of Trump becoming a dictator, yet those same fears were expressed in 2025 and 2016, pushed hard by the media, and it never came to pass.

The violent protests, smash and grab robberies and multiple events of civil unrest, the George Floyd protests and the Pro-Hamas demonstrations, just two examples, of society unraveling, so it seems on that front at least, conservatives have the right of it.

There are other differences between the younger liberal, new preppers, and the older more advanced libertarian/conservative preppers, as well, and that is their ultimate purpose for preparing for “doomsday.”


There are other differences besides the 90 day versus years worth of prepping that have life or death ramifications. Such as the reason one preps, not about what type of disaster their are preparing for, but ratherwhythey are prepping at all.

In the USA Today article they cite a woman that runs a YouTube channel, where she offers advice on prepping, yet her mindset is not that of a true prepper, but more like a community organizer.

“If you can be prepared, you won’t be a drain on the resources needed to help the people who didnt prepare,said Wagoner, who has a 90-day supply of food set aside for her six-person family. Wagoner, who works for a nonprofit, runs a YouTube channel where she offers prepping advice to young people, urban residents and people who have small homes.

First and foremost, she only has 90 days worth of food for her family, so she obviously still thinks that prepping is something one does to hold themselves over until some government agency comes to help.

Advanced preppers understand that whether it is a civil war, societal collapse, EMP, etc… Government help may take longer than 90 days, and in fact depending on the severity of the event,it may never come at all.

The part I highlighted in bold is another clear indication that while Wagoner considers herself a prepper, she hasn’t a clue to why the movement began in the first place. She assumes there will be resources for those that didn’t prepare, but according to the data only 29% of overall Americans spend money on prepping.

Some 39% of Millennials and 40% of Gen Z had spent money on the practice in the past 12 months, compared to29% of the overall US adult population, the analytic spending website said.

This means approximately 71% of Americans are not prepared for any catastrophic event and since it is doubtful there will be any resources for those people.

This brings me to another quote from Wagoner:

“In the face of an apocalypse, I want to come out and calmly help people, she said. I want to be able to create a society that instead of wanting to shoot every stranger, understands our interdependence and creates a better society.

First thing, how is she going to help those unprepared in an “apocalypse” when she only has 90 days of food for herself and her family? Guaranteed she will be one of the first people to have a gun stuck in her face while her food is stolen.

Part of prepping is being preparedto protect your stored goods, with lethal force if need be.

Society building comes after survival, not while trying to survive the initial phase of a disaster. Wanting to help family and friends is one thing, but just wanting to come out, during an “apocalypse,” which is the term she used, and “calmly help people” is a person who has romanticized what prepping is and is “teaching” others on her YouTube channel to do the same..

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