Video: How Israeli Civilians Are Using A.I. to Help Identify Victims

I just want my brother back. There’s nothing more I want. My children are missing. Along with another girl that came running to us. “We’re saying again” [Unclear] “We have here 400 people working 24/7 in shifts trying to identify the kidnapped people.” “And you find here people coming from all over Israel, young, old, experts and researchers of artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies.” We actually started as an organization that opposed judiciary reform in Israel. And when the war began, we decided to shift everything that we do. There is so much to do. And there is a huge gap right now between what the government can and do to support and what the civilians are doing on support. We are working really closely with other types of agencies, government agencies. Excuse me for a second. This is the high justice court president. Just a second. “Sorry.” Right now, we have around some hundreds of problems of missing people that we try to understand whether they’re missing or whether they’re dead. We are not the army. We are civilians and can only use open information. You want to look in the Facebook, internet, whatever you can. This is something that tech can help. So let me give you an example. We saw a video of a wife and a husband sitting on the floor where a Hamas person is with a rifle above their head. Using techniques of sound and using techniques of A.I., by identifying the specific fabric of their underwear, we were able to find another video where you don’t see his face. That means that the Hamas took him in captive and we think he’s dead or unconscious. I have another example. A father got interviewed to one of the channels. He showed the movie of his kid and three children where a soldier protects them. We knew that their life — when they came back to find their children, they didn’t find anything, only traces of blood. So they thought they were captured. Two minutes after, a woman calls me and said, I have the two minutes after the video of the father that showed you. And I said, what? What the video shows. She sent it to me. And unfortunately, at that video, we see the children slaughtered. So we know that if they are in Gaza, they are dead or they are somewhere in Israel as a corpse, but they are not, unfortunately, alive. Those are kinds of information that is tragic information, but it’s very important for the families to know that. People are coming day after day, making sure that we find another person, another person. I was not a combat soldier in the army. I was doing tech also in the army. But here, sitting together, shoulder to shoulder, I learned how to fight.