The Download: AI’s gold rush, and how to regulate generative models

Whether it’s based on hallucinatory beliefs or not, a gold rush has started over the last several months to make money from generative AI models like ChatGPT.
You can practically hear the shrieks from corner offices around the world: “What is our ChatGPT play? How do we make money off this?”
But while companies and executives want to cash in, the likely impact of generative AI on workers and the economy on the whole is far less obvious.
Will ChatGPT make the already troubling income and wealth inequality in the US and many other countries even worse, or could it in fact provide a much-needed boost to productivity? Read the full story.
—David Rotman
An early guide to policymaking on generative AI
Right now, generative AI is the thing that everyone is talking about. And though the tech is not new, its policy implications are months if not years from being understood.
Despite all the current excitement, generative AI comes with significant risks. Models trained on the toxic repository that is the internet often produce racist and sexist output. They also regularly make things up and state them with confidence, and potentially threaten people’s security and privacy.
For policy folks in Washington, Brussels, London, and offices everywhere else in the world, it’s important to understand that generative AI is here to stay. Yes, there’s significant hype, but the recent advances in AI are as real and important as the risks that they pose. Read the full story.