Scotland’s Finance Secretary Kate Forbes announces bid to succeed Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and first minister

Kate Forbes has announced her bid to take over from Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scotland’s first minister.

Kate Forbes has announced her bid to take over from Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scotland’s first minister.

The finance secretary, who will return from maternity leave early after the birth of her first child, joins health secretary Humza Yousaf and MSP Ash Regan in the fight for the top job.

Announcing her leadership bid in a video on Monday morning, the MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch said: “Friends in the SNP, our nation and our movement are at a major crossroads.

“The choices that we make in the next few weeks will have a profound impact on our future and on our children’s future.

“I can’t sit back and watch our nation thwarted on the road to self-determination.

“Our small, independent neighbours enjoy wealthier, fairer, and greener societies – and so should we.

“We urgently need to unleash the full talent of the SNP, the wider Yes movement and the country at large.

More on Nicola Sturgeon

“We need to choose strong, competent leadership to deliver independence – the leadership that I can offer.

“I believe we need someone who can unite our party and our movement. I’m a unifier.

“I’ll reach out and listen so that every member feels valued and able to contribute.

“That is also important if we are to persuade others of the merits of independence.

“But right now we also need somebody with a grip on our economy and our finances.

“In the throes of a cost-of-living crisis, and the need to plan for independence, my years managing Scotland’s budget and economy have given me the experience that we need to do just that.

“More than anything we need a leader who is bold, brave and energised, fresh-faced and ready for new challenges. Somebody who inspires your confidence as an SNP member and who inspires the confidence of the people of Scotland to vote for a better future.

“I am that leader – and I want to lead our party into better days, with integrity and commitment, for the sake of your children and my children. Thank you.”

The search is currently on to find a new leader for the party following Ms Sturgeon’s surprise resignation announcement last week.

SNP Depute Leader Keith Brown and Deputy First Minister John Swinney have ruled themselves out of the race, as have Stephen Flynn, the SNP’s Westminster leader, Ukraine Minister Neil Gray, Environment Minister Mairi McAllan and Scottish Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson.

Mr Robertson, the MSP for Edinburgh Central, said he had been “encouraged by many” to run in the race, but explained: “However, as the father of two very young children the time is not right for me and my family to take on such a huge commitment.”

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Nicola Sturgeon announced her surprise resignation last week

Ms Forbes was thrust into the limelight back in 2020 when she was forced to step in and deliver the Scottish budget in the 11th hour after her predecessor Derek Mackay resigned in disgrace.

However, concerns have been raised that the MSP, who is a Free Church of Scotland member, could be at odds with the wider party and current policy on some social issues, including the controversial gender reforms blocked by the UK government.

Read more:
Humza Yousaf and Ash Regan announce bids to succeed Nicola Sturgeon
The controversies which piled pressure on Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon’s time as Scotland’s first minister in 10 charts

On Monday, Business Minister Ivan McKee described Ms Forbes as a “hugely talented individual”, adding that she has the “assets we need in a leader”.

SNP MP Angus MacNeil also backs Ms Forbes as his winner, but told Sky News that Ash Regan would also “have a good shot”.

Candidates have until Friday to secure 100 nominations from at least 20 local branches to ensure their place on the ballot, with the new SNP leader being announced on March 27.