Two men jailed over knifepoint robbery of Olympic cyclist Mark Cavendish and his wife in their home

Two men have been jailed over the knifepoint robbery of Olympic cyclist Mark Cavendish and his wife in their home.

Two men have been jailed over the knifepoint robbery of Olympic cyclist Mark Cavendish and his wife in their home.

Romario Henry and Ali Sesay were sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday.

Henry, 31, of Bell Green, Lewisham, south-east London, denied two counts of robbery but was found guilty following a trial and jailed for 15 years.

Sesay, 28, of Holding Street, Rainham, Kent, admitted two counts of robbery and was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

It comes after the court heard how the Olympic cyclist had a “Rambo-style” knife held against his face by balaclava-wearing men, who broke into his home and stole a pair of watches.

The 37-year-old and his wife, Peta, were woken up when the intruders broke into the property in Ongar, Essex, at around 2.30am on 27 November 2021.

After hearing noise coming from downstairs, Mrs Cavendish went to investigate.

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Spotting the intruders, she attempted to shout to her husband to get back into the bedroom.

Cavendish, who at the time was recovering from a cycling injury, attempted to press a panic alarm but was jumped on by an intruder who began punching him in the head.

He told the court that one of the men took out a knife and “held it in my face” before threatening to “stab him up” in front of his children.

Two Richard Mille watches, worth £400,000 and £300,000, were taken in the robbery.

Judge David Turner KC told the defendants as he sentenced them: “This was planned, targeted, orchestrated, ruthless offending aimed at an internationally known sportsman and his wife who happened to be brand ambassadors for exceptionally valuable Richard Mille watches.”