Bidens missteps on secret papers create a self-inflicted crisis

WASHINGTON The latest discovery of classified material at Mr Joe Bidens home in Wilmington, Delaware, highlights the long-term political and legal risk to the President from a rapidly unfolding investigation that could yield further damaging revelations.
Disclosure after disclosure last week about sensitive papers at Mr Bidens office and private residence embarrassed and undermined the President, his attorneys and spokesmen, who have argued that they are handling it by the book. While they have claimed they took appropriate precautions, promptly informed the government and arranged the return of materials, they say they must weigh disclosures to the public against legal considerations.
But the decision to wait more than two months, until after midterm elections, to disclose the initial discovery of classified documents has fanned criticism of the Presidents commitment to transparency that has only grown as Mr Biden and his team stumbled through the subsequent days.
Statements by the President, his lawyers and his spokesmen that omitted key details including information later revealed in news reports or subsequent statements only intensified the impression that the White House has something to hide. And the steady stream of revelations knocked Republican dysfunction on Capitol Hill out of the headlines while also offering a lifeline to former president Donald Trump, who is under criminal investigation for his own handling of classified documents.
The Presidents messaging difficulties are likely to replicate and grow as newly appointed special counsel Robert Hur begins investigating the circumstances that led to classified documents being found at Mr Bidens home and a former office. Republicans are certain to seize on any impropriety on the part of Mr Biden or his aides, in an effort both to embarrass the President and to shield Mr Trump, who is being investigated for refusing to return a far greater number of classified documents to the government. Trump, Clinton parallels
The White Houses best bet is that its cautious and conservative approach will ultimately be vindicated. The presidents attorneys say they will fully cooperate with the special counsel inquiry, and they expect Mr Biden to be exonerated for what they describe as innocent mistakes that were appropriately handled.
But the risk is that the case spirals in unforeseen directions, or that additional revelations provide Republicans with enough ammunition to sustain a consistent political attack. Special counsel investigations in the past including the probe into ties between Mr Trumps campaign and Russia have often overtaken a presidency. In 2016, former secretary of state Hillary Clintons use of a private e-mail server a controversy Democrats now mock with the phrase but her e-mails may have cost her the presidency.
The coming months will see the President and his aides inevitably facing tough questions as new information about the documents and their handling are revealed. Political pressure to provide a more fulsome explanation will increase, even as Mr Bidens attorneys resist disclosing details that could complicate the special counsels probe.
Key for the White House will be avoiding a performance like last weeks, when the Presidents lawyers and spokesmen appeared to violate the cardinal rule of crisis communications: to own up to the full scope of a problem as quickly as possible.
Republican lawmakers have already seized on the first questionable decision by Mr Bidens attorneys: to not disclose the existence of the first batch of classified materials closer to the time they were discovered in November, just before the midterm elections. Incomplete search
Mr Biden and the White House acknowledged the documents found at the Penn Biden Centre for Global Diplomacy and Engagement in Washington only last week, after their existence was reported by CBS News. But the President and his attorneys then made another fateful decision, opting not to publicly reveal that a second batch of classified materials had been discovered in December in the garage of his Wilmington home.
The existence of those documents which had already been returned to the federal government was reported last Wednesday by NBC News. Mr Bidens legal team remained silent until the following day, when they issued a statement acknowledging the garage papers as well as an additional classified document consisting of one page found among stored materials in an adjacent room. More On This Topic Documents probe an embarrassment for Biden, but likely a short-term one Special counsel to probe Bidens handling of government documents The statement also said that the Presidents lawyers had completed their search on Wednesday evening of Mr Bidens homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasised to reporters that the search was over. You should assume that its been completed, she said at a briefing last Thursday.
That was not the case.
In fact, because Mr Bidens personal attorneys lacked security clearances, they halted their review last Wednesday when they discovered the classified page at Mr Bidens home in Wilmington. White House special counsel Richard Sauber who has a security clearance then travelled to Wilmington the following evening to transfer the document to Justice Department officials, he said in a statement on Saturday. In the process, he discovered five additional pages of classified materials.
The Biden White Houses secrecy in this matter is alarming, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Kentucky Republican, said in a statement on Saturday. Equally alarming is the fact that Biden aides were combing through documents knowing there would be a special counsel appointed.
The White House did not provide a response to questions about the apparent discrepancy between their statements. But Mr Bob Bauer, the Presidents private attorney, said that Mr Bidens team had sought to avoid publicly identifying specific witnesses, documents or events that could complicate the special counsel investigation.
The Presidents personal attorneys have attempted to balance the importance of public transparency where appropriate with the established norms and limitations necessary to protect the investigations integrity, Mr Bauer said in a statement on Saturday. These considerations require avoiding the public release of detail relevant to the investigation while it is ongoing. BLOOMBERG More On This Topic Biden versus Trump: What is the difference between the two classified records cases? Biden says Trump handling of documents 'totally irresponsible'